Calibration and Service Center

Basai Industries Pvt,Ltd is authorized as the representatives of Vogtlin, Switzerland for calibration and services of thermal mass flow meters and controllers for gases.
The working reference instruments are traceable to the primary reference instruments. Primary reference instruments are calibrated by the OEM and OEM Primary instruments are calibrated with federal office of metrology of Switzerland METAS (Metrology and Accreditation Switzerland) or other national metrology institutes.
Calibration requires for an instrument to ensure accurate measurements; also, periodic calibration is essential for quality and safety standards. We can help you provide high quality with reducing costs and increasing process time.

We help you meet your ISO needs
  • Accuracy to the highest level across the world.
  • Customer Convenience: "one-stop purchase" for purchasing flow measuring instruments.
  • Short delivery time.
  • Cost effective service and calibration
  • Qualified staff with a "quality-first" approach and an eye for customer needs.
  • ON SITE and OFF-SITE calibration facility.

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